medullary thyroid carcinoma (c-cell carcinoma) with amyloid ICD-10: C73; ICD-O: 8345/3
Frau, 40 J., Operation wegen eines solitären Schilddrüsenknotens
links, "kalter" Knoten, seit Monaten chronische Durchfälle,
stark über den Normbereich erhöhte Konzentration von Kalzitonin
und CEA (Carcino-Embryonic-Antigen) im Serum
- Ausgedehnte Zerstörung des Schilddrüsenparenchyms durch
teils zellarmes, teils zellreiches knotiges Tumorgewebe
- Infiltrativ-destruktives Wachstum, unscharfe Begrenzung, Gefässinfiltration
- Tumorzellen in Gruppen, Platten und Zügen angeordnet, teils
spindelig mit langgestrecktem Kern
- Mässig stark ausgeprägte Zell- und Kernpolymorphie
- Mitosen mässig häufig
- In zellarmen Bezirken "wolkige" Massen mit unterschiedlich
intensiver roter Anfärbung
- Das Amyloid besteht hier aus
Prokalzitonin (und möglicherweise Amylin, wie in Insulinomen)
40-year-old female underwent thyreoidectomy because of an isolated 'cold' nodule of the thyroid.
She had suffered of diarrhea for months. Serum levels of calcitonin and carcino-embryonic-antigen (CEA) were elevated.
- The thyroid parenchyma is destroyed by a nodular tumor (Tumorgewebe).
- The tumor exhibits an infiltrative and destructive growth pattern, is irregularly delimited and shows vascular invasion
- The tumor cells are arranged in sheets, nests and trabeculae.
- Tumor cells are round to oval or spindle-shaped with elongated nuclei.
- Nuclei show a punctuate chromatin pattern and little variation in size.
- Mitotic figures (Mitosen) are frequent.
- Nests of tumor cells are separated by various amounts of stroma staining intensely with Congo red.
Amyloid in medullary thyroid cancer is composed of procalcitonin and possibly of amylin.
The latter is also observed in insulinoma.