subacute myocardial infarction ICD-10: I21.3
weitere Informationen auf HiPaKu
Mann, 56 J., kardiogener Schock vor 15 Tagen; Tod an Herzbeuteltamponade
wegen Perforation des Myokards nach transmuralem Infarkt. Autopsiepräparat
- Zackig begrenzte Areale: Ersatz von Muskelgewebe durch Granulationsgewebe
(Organisation) mit teilweisem Uebergang in Narben
- Stellenweise, vor allem subendokardial, nicht-infarziertes Myokard
S. A II 16, A
III 14
56-year-old male had a heart attack with cardiogenic shock 15 days prior to death. Death was caused by external rupture of the infarct with consecutive cardiac tamponade. (Specimen from autopsy).
- Subendocardial scar outlined by an irregular, serrated border. Inside this area, the cardiac muscle tissue is partly replaced by a loose granulation tissue (Granulationsgewebe) consisting of capillaries, fibroblasts, macrophages and necrotic muscle fibres.
A more dense collagenous fibrous tissue is observed in some locations (scar formation).
- Heart muscle fibres exhibiting contraction bands are detected adjacent to the granulation tissue.
- A band of myocytes remained viable immediately beneath the endocardium. The subendocardial myocardium is nourished by diffusion from luminal blood.
See also Slide A II 16, A
III 14