chronic ulcerous cholecystitis ICD-10: K81.1
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Frau, 45 J., sehr starke Schmerzen im rechten Oberbauch, Verdacht
auf abgehende Gallensteine. Cholezystektomie
- Wand der Gallenblase stark verdickt (normal: 1 - 2 mm)
- Sämtliche Wandschichten stark vernarbt
- Schleimhaut teilweise exulzeriert
- Muscularis propria durch Bindegewebsplatten aufgesplittert, Fettgewebe
ebenfalls fibrosiert
- Infiltrate von Lymphozyten, Makrophagen und eingestreuten neutrophilen
und eosinophilen Granulozyten
- Subserosa mit frischem Bindegewebe und vermehrt Kapillaren
- Fibrin auf Serosa
45-year-old female experienced sharp pain in the right upper quadrant. Billiary colic due to gallstones was suspected and cholecystectomy was performed.
- Wall of the gall-bladder is substantially thickened (normal diameter 1 - 2 mm).
- Substantial fibrosis of the entire wall.
- Hypertrophy and fibrosis of muscularis propria. The latter is split apart by strands of fibrous tissue.
- Subserous fatty tissue is permeated by fibrous tissue containing numerous capillaries.
- Mucosal epithelium partly denuded.
- Wall infiltrated by lymphocytes, macrophages and interspersed eosinophilic granulocytes.
- Fibrin on serosa