fibroadenoma of the breast ICD-10: C50.9; ICD-O: 9010/0
weitere Informationen auf HiPaKu
Frau, 36 J., Knoten einer Mamma
- Knoten im Mammagewebe mit Bindegewebskapsel: Scharfe Begrenzung
zum benachbarten Brustdrüsengewebe (mit Drüsenläppchen
und Fettgewebe)
- Lockeres Stroma mit feinen Kollagenfasern
und Fibroblasten. Eingelagert bogenförmige, teils hirschgeweihartige
Ausführgänge mit doppelreihigem Zellbelag: Innen Epithel-,
gegen die Basalmembran zu Myoepithelzellen
Differentialdiagnose: Mammakarzinom
36-year-old female noticed a lump in one breast.
- Circumscribed tumor demarcated from the normal mammary tissue by a fibrous capsule with glandular breast tissue
(Drüsenläppchen) and adipose tissue.
- The loose stroma (Stroma) contains fibroblasts and collagen fibers.
In the stroma inclusion of duct-like epithelial structures of
various forms and sizes. In part, regular, open, round to oval ducts. Some ducts are compressed by proliferating stroma.
These ducts appear on cross-sections as slits or irregular star-like structures.
- Usually, two cell layers can be distinguished within the ducts an inner epithelial (Epithel-)
and an outer myoepithelial (Myoepithelzellen) layer.
The latter faces the well-defined, intact basement membrane.
Differential diagnosis: Phyllodes tumor, typically, leaf-like slits and clefts are observed. The stroma exhibits an increased cellularity. In
malignant variants, a high mitotic activity and anaplastic cells are observed in the stroma.