Frau, 34 J., harter Knoten unter der Bauchhaut. Operationspräparat
aus dem Musculus rectus abdominis
- Fibroblastenreicher Tumor (Fibromatose): Fibroblasten
liegen in Bündeln, dazwischen Kollagenfasern
- Kerne regelmässig, selten Mitosen; keine Riesenzellen
- Schlecht abgrenzbare Infiltration der quergestreiften Muskulatur
Lokal aggressiver, nicht metastasierender, mesenchymaler Tumor ("semimaligner"
Tumor), Starke Rezidivneigung, weil die Tumorgrenze auch im intraoperativen
Schnellschnitt sehr schwierig auszumachen ist
34-year-old female showed a palpable hard mass in the abdominal wall. The surgical resection specimen of the rectus abdominis muscle is shown.
- Several tissue fragments containing proliferations of plump, uniform fibroblasts (Fibromatose), some of which are arranged in bundles within a collagen containing matrix.
- The fibroblasts display regular nuclei. Mitoses are rare and giant cells are not observed.
- The tumor grows in an infiltrative fashion into the adjacent skeletal muscle.
A superficial and deep form of fibromatoses is distinguished. Deep fibromatoses affect the abdomen, the muscles of the trunk and the extremities.
Deep fibromatoses grow locally in an aggressive manner and have a tendency to recur. Total excision is hard to achieve due to the infiltrative growth pattern and the resulting difficulty in delineating
the borders of the tumor. However, in contrast to fibrosarcoma, fibromatoses do not metastasize. Deep fibromatoses are considered semi-malignant tumors.