squamous cell carcinoma of the portio ICD-10: C53.9; ICD-O: 8070/3
Frau, 52 J., Kontaktblutungen, Befund dysplastischer Zellen in der
Gynäkozytologie. Hysterektomie
- Portio von nicht verhornendem Plattenepithel bedeckt
- Darunter Tumor mit invasiv-destruktivem Wachstum, Ausdehnung bis
tief in das Stroma
- Unterschiedlich breite Zellstränge mit gelegentlicher zentraler
- Schichtung der Zellen teilweise noch derjenigen eines Plattenepithels
- Zellen mit basophilem Zytoplasma
- Unregelmässig verteilte, teils atypische Mitosen
- Deutliche, vorwiegend lymphozytäre Perifokalentzündung
Vergleich: Präparate A
III 9, A III 19, A
IV 41
52-year-old female suffered from abnormal vaginal bleeding after sexual intercourse. A Papanicolaou smear revealed the presence of atypical cells. Hysterectomy.
- The cervix is partly destroyed by an poorly differentiated tumor that deeply infiltrates into the stroma. Invasion into lymphatic vessels is present.
- Sheets of tumor cells exhibiting on occasion central keratinization (Verhornung) and the presence of intercellular bridges in between tumor cells point
to the squamous derivation of this tumor.
- Individual tumor cells exhibit a basophilic cytoplasm. In some parts of the tumor, severe nuclear atypias and a high mitotic count with atypical mitoses are observed.
- The tumor is partly surrounded by a predominantly lymphocytic inflammatory infiltrate.
- Towards the vaginal resection margin the cervix is still covered by an intact layer of squamous epithelium showing prominent parakeratotic keratinization.
Compare to slides A III 9, A III 19, A IV 41