primary oxalosis of the kidney ICD-10: E74.8
Mädchen, 4 7/12 J., Niereninsuffizienz, Autopsiepräparat
- Die Mehrzahl der Glomerula ist verödet (verödetes Glom.)
- Das Interstitium ist dicht lymphozytär infiltriert
- Tubuli weitgehend zerstört, teilweise stark erweitert
- Im Tubuluslumen teils runde, teils schollige, lichtbrechende Oxalatkristalle
(Kondensorblende weitgehend schliessen). Im polarisierten Licht: Doppelbrechende
- Adaptative Intimafibrose der
4 7/12-year-old girl succumbed to chronic renal failure (specimen from autopsy).
- A section of the kidney with cortex, medulla and surrounding fatty tissue is shown.
- The signs of end-stage kidney disease with damage to all four compartments, glomeruli, tubuli, interstitium and blood vessels
are present:
(1) most of the glomeruli are completely sclerotic (verödetes Glom.);
(2) tubuli are atrophic, some show dilatation. In the lumen of
many tubules presence of acellular crystal deposits (Oxalatkristalle) exhibiting birifringence under polarized light;
(3) interstitial fibrosis
and a dense lymphocytic infiltrate are observed;
(4) marked intimal fibroplasia (Intimafibrose) of arteries.
Of note, oxalate crystals may be seen in the tubules of patients with end-stage kidney disease of other etiology.