medulloblastoma of the cerebellum ICD-10: C71.6; ICD-O: 9470/3
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Kind, 3 J., kurze Anamnese von 3 Wochen: Zunehmend Erbrechen und
Kopfschmerz. CT: 3 cm grosser, runder Tumor im Vermis cerebelli.
- Ausserordentlich zellreicher, isomorpher, rund- und blauzelliger
Tumor, der das Kleinhirn diffus
- Infiltration des Subarachnoidalraums
- Gelegentlich neuroblastische Rosetten
- Zahlreiche Mitosen
- Überwiegend solides Wachstum
- Tumornekrosen
Grading: WHO Grad IV
3-year-old child. History of 3 weeks of increasing vomiting and headache. The CT shows a 3 cm large round tumour in the cerebellar vermis.
- An extraordinary cell-rich, isomorphous, round and blue celled tumour with diffuse infiltration of the cerebellum (Kleinhirn).
- The tumour also infiltrates the subarachnoid space (Infiltration des Subarachnoidalraums).
- Occasional neuroblastic rosettes
- Numerous mitoses
- Predominantly solid growth
- Tumour necrosis (Tumornekrosen)
WHO grade IV