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Klinik: Mann 38J.; schmerzlose Hodenvergrösserung links; Tumormarker
unauffällig; sonographisch homogenes Bild.
- septierte Tumorknoten
- grosse rundliche Tumorzellen
helles PAS-positives Zytoplasma
grobes Chromatin
deutliche Nukleolen
positiv für plazentare
alkalissche Phosphatase (PLAP)
- eingestreute Lymphozyten / Plasmazellen
Intratubuläre Keimzellneoplasie in benachbarten Tubuli seminiferi
- gestörte Spermatogenese
- vergrösserte Keimzellen (vgl. Seminomzellen)
38-year-old male; painless enlargement of the left testicle; tumour markers unremarkable; ultrasound shows homogenous picture.
- Septated tumour cells
- Large round tumour cells showing the following:
Light shaded PAS positive cytoplasm (glycogen)
Coarse chromatin
Distinct nucleoli
Positive for placental alkalising phosphatase (PLAP)
- Interspersed lymphocytes/plasma cells
Intratubular germ cell neoplasia in neighbouring seminiferous tubules
- Disturbed spermatogenesis
- Enlarged germ cells, comparable with seminoma cells (see Seminomzellen)